This is me.Probably u might have seen such a ME early in mornings, jogging on roadside trying 2 cutoff some pulp in butt.My name is Andy Dufrense. I belong to year 2012...Sounds Funny eh ?? I travelled into past to warn people that Hope has become an endangered thing in future. . Hope has become a show-case object -a thing which is as rare as vaccum.
Let me give you three guess. Find me What am I... A doctor mmmhmm ..A captain mmmhmmm...A Pilot...mmmhmmm...Times Up mate!! Am Software engineer. Dont laugh. I am One among You in future...Ofcourse Am slight thinner than many of you in Future....U will only find out in y
ear or two...There in future...Time has found her breaks.. ...seconds creep....Minutes crawl and every hour was felt like eternity....The only reason --Recession. This tussle as
ancestors whisper started all on one fine day when leehman sisters was kicked off to eternity...From then on Empires Crumbled.... MacroSoft...Moon Micro Systems...InfoBro...These names became figments of imagination....Rarely A company got a project... Lack of work made people idle. They thought they were too smart to think and too sophesticated to do physical activity. Humans have become leather skinned rocks. Laziness filled every soul and Thus obesity became a genetic qualification to identify as software engineer in 2011.
Ever dreamt of You becoming a big stout sphere ?? Cost Cutting Thats what you have heard ... But Cost getting.. Ever heard of that ?? Dont revise your memory... I ll tell you... It all happened just a week ago in future..I entered the office at 8:00 am... i was stopped by some security robot. I swiped but my access was denied. Reason I have to pay entry fee to enter my office...an entry fee of 2$!!!...This is What cost getting is.... To take a pee 1 $ and to drink glass of water 50 cents...If I dwell further, I have to say, I have to feed Phones in office 1$ to talk to my colleague!! Free food....yaaaaaaaawn..... That was out of scope and Pepsi ..Coke.. Even Sugar for coffee require nickels. You have to feel your salary as 2000 bucks...but Company gets 1500 bucks back....

The pic you are seeing seems like a Circus show. isn't it ??A group of people gather at
a place. A big stout man, Stouter than blue whale...reads 50 names. With every one cheering, one by one of the 50 was sent into a canon tanker. They were just fired into space from there. Fired for eternity. Fired for fear of pride. Fired for fear of position.monthly 200 human canons were shot into space ruthlessly.Every man gets his name on cards one day ...They all say Every Stout fat dog has its day..

There was a chamber in our office. Cryogenically cooled. Do you know what that chamber contain?? Just look te pic beside you. That was kept frozen in the chamber for the oast 3 years. Still at Absolute Zero .People on the outside, were searching for it every where even they know it lied in this chamber frozen, Ice cool and Dead...Thats what survival makes a man. He wants to survive. He dowsnt want to live. Living requires confidence. Wild goose chase is not a prerequiste for that.
The horror was much more mate, I came here to tell you That apocalypse is far far away. Firing people and cutting costs are just first aid. You cant survive with that. Firing people may raise fear in us.. Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope sets you free.. Global Heads of Crumbling empires must unite.. Faith was lost now. Let that be gathered. Faith raises hope. Hope gives strength. Give faith to people who depend on you and who buy you. I. The ideas that save you are always simple. Searh for them. You wil only find the solution.
Thus am taking off mates, and Finally I wann say ...I hope the "JOBS" come out of frozen chamber and gather some heat. I Hope every friday evening we all gather for a happy carnival. I hope Humans feel fresh air free from tense and fear. I hope out big bellies shrink and our brains expand. I hope.
I will be back.
A comment would only berate such a gem of a writing like a scar on the face of an angel..
Hats off!! ..
Tad different from the daily chores you generally write about . but is worth its weight in gold! ..
Sshh....No more comments!
I know Gucha's been influenced by Shawshank Redemption but never expected to be of such high magnitude..
As subtle was Wall E in educating or throwing light upon the plight of humans in the future,so was this..
Google will now call me a spammer for such running commentary now!!
Different 1
I was trying to relate the paragraphs to the movies which stood as the influence behind them...but after a point I was lost in my translation..hehehe...great going gucha...lovely imagination...keep it rolling...
Just a piece of advice...don't use too many dots even when you write to convey that you are thinking. :)
gucha's hieghts of creativity blended with his wisdom reached a new milestone. May be recession hit him hard.He's left all day wondering what his boss would do to him,day dreaming of all the worst possible scenarios [:P] .There is one single word to describe the post: "AWESOME"!!!
Nijamgaane boring...you have shown your variety talent here though.. I expect a blog to be interesting and funny..
excellent post......i think after some mediocre ones, u are back at your "riduculous" best......my fav line "Firing people and cutting costs are just first aid. You cant survive with that. Firing people may raise fear in us.. Fear can hold you prisoner"......brilliant lines.....
i think this is the first time you are using pictures.......its good......to get more clues on how to get a pictorial satire across to your audience in a better way, read one or two posts of this blog www.rakeshjhunjhunwala.in this blog has the best satire i have seen so far!!!
just one suggestion though.....avoid the first and last lines.....i know u have had some thing in mind like a pilot post.....but leave this guessing game to your audience....let them realise that this is satire....let them realise that this is inspired from all time great movies....let them do the thinking job
This is a nice way to put the outputs of recession...well done gucha :)
fantaaastic....mind blastingg.. :P
Super Gucha.....
Wonderful .. back to your proverbial best...
"I hope out big bellies shrink and our brains expand. I hope."
hope i'll see many more posts like this....
aa thuppel usages baguunai.. "MacroSoft", "MoonMicroSystems", "InfoBro"...
choodagane oka lafoot fella rasadu ani thelisela unnai.
i m looking forward to see a world like that....good blog.. wid creative thinking... ayina.. its gucha rt....
real good start guchaaa..and the way u depicted the importance of hope here made this a gem..and also,that concept of travelling from future is also a very creative way of being inspired by a film..and those lines"..He wants to survive. He doesnt want to live.." are heights of pessimism..and u did it greatly there by cleverly stealing the dialogues from Wall-e..also I liked that JOBS thing..Ur selection of pictures is also very apt..tell me what did u start this with?the pictures or the content? They both matched with one another eskellently..
hmm! good one!
As they say, the thing that doesn't kill you makes you stronger!!!
By 2012, if you are alive, fattier, remember, you can be stronger as well!!
The evident inspirations are shawshank, wall-e. But I felt the same way when i saw V for Vendetta for the first time when I read thoughts lingering on 'life', 'survival' and 'fear'.
Master piece from gucha...
Let us remove the fear in us and search for true happiness
The blog would have been better if it's in english.
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